FAQ Overview

e-Learning FAQ - for Academic Staff

How do I log into ePembelajaran@UMT?

Access denied

Author: admin
Last update: 2014-06-17 02:13

I don't know my ePembelajaran@UMT username/password

Access denied

Author: admin
Last update: 2014-06-16 05:33

How do I change my ePembelajaran@UMT password

Access denied

Author: admin
Last update: 2014-06-16 05:36

What is the difference between the 'Teacher' role and 'Teacher (Editor)' role on ePembelajaran@UMT?

Access denied

Author: admin
Last update: 2014-06-16 05:38

How do I become a 'Teacher' or 'Teacher (Editor)' on ePembelajaran@UMT?

Access denied

Author: admin
Last update: 2014-06-16 05:42

I want to request a new ePembelajaran@UMT course. What do I do?

Access denied

Author: admin
Last update: 2014-06-16 05:45

How do I make a course available to students? *

Access denied

Author: admin
Last update: 2014-06-16 08:19

How do I restrict access of a ePembelajaran@UMT course to specific students using an enrolment key? *

Access denied

Author: admin
Last update: 2014-06-16 09:05

How do I check which students have access to my course? *

Access denied

Author: admin
Last update: 2014-06-16 08:21

How do I prevent people from enrolling themselves on my course?

Access denied

Author: admin
Last update: 2014-06-16 09:04

How do I add students or teachers to my ePembelajaran@UMT course? *

Access denied

Author: admin
Last update: 2014-06-16 08:23

How do I remove students or teachers from my ePembelajaran@UMT course? *

Access denied

Author: admin
Last update: 2014-06-16 08:25

How do I make my course available to people outside UMT?*

Access denied

Author: admin
Last update: 2014-06-16 08:27

How do I prepare my course for a new academic year? *

Access denied

Author: admin
Last update: 2014-06-16 09:01

I want to use ePembelajaran@UMT for something other than teaching

Access denied

Author: admin
Last update: 2014-06-16 08:43

I can't download a file for editing *

You can't save a file from the course by right-clicking and choosing "Save as...". This just saves the ePembelajaran@UMT 'container' page, rather than the file itself.

Cure: To save the file, click on the link first to open it in the browser, then use File > Save as... from the browser menu.

* ePembelajaran@UMT 'Teacher/Editors' ONLY

Author: admin
Last update: 2014-06-16 08:43

I edited a file, but my changes don't show up *

Did you upload it to ePembelajaran@UMT?

The files on your computer or on your H: space, and the files within ePembelajaran@UMT are completely independent. If you change a file on your H: space, for example, it remains unchanged on ePembelajaran@UMT until you upload it.

Cure: Turn editing on, and click the Update button Moodle update iconalongside the File in ePembelajaran@UMT. Click Add... to re-upload the file, and choose to overwrite the old one.

* ePembelajaran@UMT 'Teacher/Editors' ONLY

Author: admin
Last update: 2014-06-16 08:45

Links within a page I uploaded don't work *

For links to other websites, e-packs or online journals, see My reading list link doesn't work on this page. If you’re linking to another file in ePembelajaran@UMT, read on:

Have you uploaded the destination file to ePembelajaran@UMT?

If you create a link to another file, you must make sure that that file is also uploaded into the same File resource on ePembelajaran@UMT. For example, if the filereadings.htm contains a link to a file article.pdf, then you have to upload both readings.htm and article.pdf into a single File resource in ePembelajaran@UMT, otherwise the link won’t work.

Cure: Click on the Add an activity or resource link. A new window will launch from which you can choose to add resources, when you scroll to the bottom. Choose file and click Add and drag and drop or browse for the file to upload it (the one containing the link), then repeat the process to upload the destination file (the one being linked to). Before you save the resource as a whole, click on the main file and choose set main file.

Prevention: Whenever you create links within an HTML file, remember that these need to be uploaded too (as well as any images you insert).

* ePembelajaran@UMT 'Teacher/Editors' ONLY

Author: admin
Last update: 2014-06-16 08:59

There are weird symbols appearing in my documents *

This is a file encoding problem, which usually occurs in old HTML pages.

Cure: To fix individual problems, open the file in FrontPage, and replace the symbols if they do not look OK. Then select Format > Properties, click the Languages tab, and change "Save the document as" to "Unicode (UTF-8)". Save the file, then upload it to ePembelajaran@UMT.

If you have inherited a course that has a large number of these problems, contact mylearn@umt.edu.my and we can help you fix them in bulk.

Prevention: If creating new HTML documents, always use the new templates, available from the ePembelajaran@UMT front page. If editing existing documents, follow the directions above to convert them to Unicode before uploading to ePembelajaran@UMT.

* ePembelajaran@UMT 'Teacher/Editors' ONLY

Author: admin
Last update: 2014-06-16 08:57

How do I add a reading list to my ePembelajaran@UMT course?

That depends

Author: admin
Last update: 2014-06-16 08:50

My reading list link doesn't work *

There are various types of links found in reading lists - check which of the following applies to you:

Is it an e-journal article?

Electronic journals sometimes go off-line, for example if the Library subscription expires, or journals might change the URL used to reference your article. This can be avoided through the use of stable URLs, which never change.

Cure: Locate the journal and then the article via the Library's journals page, to make sure that the article is still available online. If it is, replace the link in your HTML file with the correct stable URL (see 'Prevention' below).

Prevention: Always use stable URLs wherever possible. 


Is it an e-pack item (scanned reading)?

This often occurs because a new academic term has begun, for which the e-pack must be renewed. Links may become broken because the e-pack was not renewed, so the files have been taken off-line, or because the files moved to a new location on renewal.

Cure: Check the link URL corresponds to that sent to you by the e-packs service. If you have not received the URL, contact el@umt.edu.my to request it.

Prevention: Check that the lecturer has renewed the e-pack and verify that the links still work.

Is it somewhere else on the web?

Cure: Visit the website in question and check whether the file is still there. It may have moved to a new location on the same server, in which case you'll need to update your link accordingly.

Prevention: Most websites other than e-journals do not use 'stable' URLs that can be relied upon to never change, so there is little you can do to ensure that your links remain operational forever. It is a good idea to check such links periodically to make sure they are still working. At the least, you should check these links when updating your reading lists for a new academic year or term.

Is it a file on your drive?

See Links within a page I uploaded don't work on this page.

* ePembelajaran@UMT 'Teacher/Editors' ONLY

Author: admin
Last update: 2020-02-04 05:00

My multiple-choice options won't shuffle *

Shuffling of the options within a multiple-choice question is controlled by two independent settings - one in the question settings, and one in the quiz settings.

Cure & prevention: First, update the quiz and set "Shuffle within questions" to "Yes". Next, edit the question, and make sure "Shuffle the choices" is set to "Yes".

* ePembelajaran@UMT 'Teacher/Editors' ONLY

Author: admin
Last update: 2014-06-16 08:52

how to use e-Learning using mobile apps (Oceania)

Notice : Currently only oceania (e-Learning degree) support for use of mobile native apps

  1. Download e-Learning apps for your mobile device

Android - Click Here

iOS - Click here

2. put url details : 


3. Add URL

4. Put MyNemo username & password

5. Login

Our e-Learning native client support message and reminder push content to users devices

Author: hafriz
Last update: 2020-02-04 05:07

How do I allow a single student a second attempt on a quiz?

To an add a user override to your existing quiz:

  1. Log on to Moodle and click on your course.
  2. Click on your quiz on the course homepage.
  3. From the quiz landing page, look in the left corner. Click on Quiz administration -> User overrides.
  4. On the next screen, click on the “Add user override” button.
  5. Then on the “Edit override” page, select the student’s name for the “Override user” section. (You can search or select from the from the “Search” drop-down.)
  6. You can adjust the following settings:
    1. Require password – Require the individual with the override to enter a password to complete the quiz.
    2. Open the quiz & Close the quiz – Adjust the open and close date/time windows. Don’t forget to check to “Enable” button so that you can adjust these settings.
    3. Time limit – Change the time limit. Don’t forget to check to “Enable” button so that you can adjust this setting.
    4. Attempts allowed – Allow more (or less) attempts than the quiz defaults.Scroll down and adjust the necessary settings.
  7. For a second attempt, you would change the “Attempts allowed” to “2.” Don’t forget to double-check that the “Close the quiz” date/time has not already passed or you will need to adjust this setting as well.
  8. When you are done, click either the “Save” or “Save and enter another override” buttons.

Author: admin
Last update: 2020-06-02 02:45

Import Quiz Questions to LMS Using the Aiken Format

The Aiken format lets you create multiple-choice or true-false questions using a simple, human-readable format that you can save as a plain text file and import into a LMS course.


Write Questions in the Aiken Format

Step 1 :

Write your questions in a word-processing application (e.g., MS Word) or a text editor such as Notepad (Windows) or Text Edit (Mac OS X), and format as follows:

  • The question must be all on one line.
  • Each answer must start with a single uppercase letter, followed by a period "." or a right parenthesis ")", then a space.
  • The answer line must immediately follow, starting with "ANSWER: " (with a space after the colon) and then give the letter for the correct answer.
    Note: The word "ANSWER" and the answer letters (A,B,C etc.) must be capitalized as shown, otherwise the import will fail.

Step 2 :

Use Save As and save your questions as a .txt (plain text) file in UTF-8 format.


The Loch Ness Monster is a type of?
A. Homonid
B. Lizard
C. Ape
D. Plesiosauria

The Coelacanth was considered a cryptid until 1938.
A) True
B) False

Import Questions into the LMS Question Bank

Once you have saved your text file, you can import your questions into the LMS Question Bank:


Step 1:

Log into LMS and open the course where you would like to add questions.

Step 2:

On your course page, select Administration Panel in your left side.

Step 3:

On the Administration panel, under Course Administration, click Question bank. The Question bank page opens to the Default category for the course you are in. On this page, you will also see Questions, Categories, Import and Export tabs.

Step 4:

To import questions, select Import tab. The Import questions from file page will open.

For File format, select Aiken Format.

Step 5:

Click the General heading to expand the settings and for Import category, select a Category (or use Default for course) .

Note: To create a new category, return to the Categories tab.

Step 6:

Under Import questions from file, drag and drop your .txt file onto the blue arrow in the Import box, or alternately, click Choose a file.... to browse for the .txt file on your computer.
Step 7:

Click Import. You will see a page with the message "importing (# of) question(s) from file," with a list of the questions.
Step 8:

Click Continue. Your Question Bank will open. You can now further edit the questions or include the questions in a quiz.

Author: admin
Last update: 2020-06-07 02:38

how to backup and restore courses

Author: admin
Last update: 2020-10-11 09:57

e-Learning FAQ - for students

How do I log into ePembelajaran@UMT?

There are two ways you can access into ePembelajaran@UMT:

1. Log into MyNemo and click on tab ePembelajaran@UMT. Find your suitable selection.

2. Go to http://epembelajaran.umt.edu.my and choose your suitable selection. Please log in using your MyNemo username and password.

Author: admin
Last update: 2014-06-17 02:14

I don't know my ePembelajaran@UMT username/password

Your ePembelajaran@UMT username/password is the same as your MyNemo username/password (i.e. what you use to log into MyNemo).

Author: admin
Last update: 2014-06-17 02:15

How do I change my ePembelajaran@UMT password

Your ePembelajaran@UMT password is always the same as your MyNemo password. So, if you want to change it on ePembelajaran@UMT, you'll have to change it on the MyNemo.

Author: admin
Last update: 2014-06-17 02:15

How do I enrol on a ePembelajaran@UMT course?

  1. Log into ePembelajaran@UMT, go to the Navigation block and click Courses to see a list of all departments. Click on your department.
  2. Click on a course name, the click Enrol me. Enrolling in ePembelajaran@UMT is not the same as being officially enrolled in the course which must be done by system administrator.
  3. Courses protected with an enrollment key (password) are usually only available to student officially enrolled on the course so your lecturer or teacher will provide this if you are taking the course.
  4. Note: you can also search for courses in the Search Courses block using the course code and then enroll this way.

Author: admin
Last update: 2014-06-17 02:19

How do I unenrol from an ePembelajaran@UMT course?

  1. Log into ePembelajaran@UMT, go to the Navigation block and click My courses.
  2. Click on the course name of the course you want unenrol from.
  3. Click Unenrol me from ... in the Settings block.
  4. Confirm that you want to unenrol from the course by clicking Continue.

Author: admin
Last update: 2014-06-17 02:21

How do I access my profile in ePembelajaran@UMT and change settings?

All ePembelajaran@UMT users - students and staff - have an editable profile where you can upload a photo and add additional details about yourself. As well as information displayed to other ePembelajaran@UMT users, your profile includes a number of settings that affect how Moodle functions and how it is displayed to you.

  1. Access your profile by clicking on your name in Moodle. (Your name is usually visible in the top right-hand corner or at the bottom of the page).
  2. In the Settings block, click Edit profile.
  3. Edit the fields you wish to change.
  4. Click Update profile at the bottom of the page.
  5. You are able to change settings such as your Preferred Theme which controls how Moodle appears to you. Note: if you change this theme to MyMobile you will need to access Moodle via your mobile device to change this back to another theme. 

Author: admin
Last update: 2014-06-17 02:23

How should I behave in a forum?

Forums are useful places for receiving information, discussing topics with peers and for asking questions relating to your course. As with any form of communication, written, spoken or otherwise, it is important that you show respect to those you are conversing with. Also remember that it is more difficult to 'take something back' in written communication. Contributions are in the public domain and 'committed to posterity'. Moodle forum posts will not be made available outside the institution however. So you should not flinch from being honest, controversial and passionate, but keep your comments on topic and avoid making personal remarks.

Author: admin
Last update: 2014-06-17 02:24

How do I submit an assignment on ePembelajaran@UMT?

ePembelajaran@UMT assignments Moodle Assignment icon are shown on the course homepage. Some departments put each assignment within its corresponding ePembelajaran@UMT course e.g. ACC3100, BBB3101 etc. Some departments use a specific ePembelajaran@UMT course for collecting all assignments across a programme or the department.

The assignment submission page will show the assignment deadline and further details. The exact steps for submitting an assignment depend on the settings chosen by your lecturer.

  • For file submissions, either drag and drop your file(s) into the File submissions field, or browse for the file to upload by clicking on Add... in the left top corner. Finally, click Save changes to confirm.
  • For text only submissions, click Add submission and type into the Online text box. Save changes. You may edit your submission until the due date.

You may be able to read, edit and resubmit your assignment type depending on the settings your lecturer has chosen. If your lecturer is providing feedback and grades through ePembelajaran@UMT you be able to see this by clicking on the assignment once it has been marked. You will usually receive an email notification.

You may be required to accept a submission statement, indicating that you are submitting your own work.

Author: admin
Last update: 2014-06-17 02:26

For how long after I leave UMT can I continue to access my ePembelajaran@UMT courses?

Most ePembelajaran@UMT courses are automatically reset at the end of each academic year. This means that your ePembelajaran@UMT course enrolments and any course contributions including discussion postings, quiz and assignment submissions are automatically removed. If you are retaking a course you should simply re-enrol for the new version of the relevant ePembelajaran@UMT course.

Some course proprietors may choose to make courses unavailable before this time so that they can prepare them for the following academic year. This would not normally happen until after the exam period has finished, or in the case of taught postgraduate courses until dissertations have been submitted. However, this is entirely at the discretion of the academic department and course proprietors.

Although you will still be able to log into ePembelajaran@UMT itself until the end of each academic year after you graduate, you should seek permission from the relevant academic department if you wish to access a ePembelajaran@UMT course after the course has been automatically reset. Similarly, requests for access to archives of past course iterations should be made to system administrator via the relevant academic department.

Author: admin
Last update: 2014-06-17 02:30

how to use e-Learning using mobile apps (Oceania)

Notice : Currently only oceania (e-Learning degree) support for use of mobile native apps

  1. Download e-Learning apps for your mobile device

Android - Click Here

iOS - Click here

2. put url details : 


3. Add URL

4. Put MyNemo username & password

5. Login

Our e-Learning native client support message and reminder push content to users devices

Author: hafriz
Last update: 2020-02-04 05:07

I can't access my student email..what can I do?

Access denied

Author: admin
Last update: 2020-02-04 05:06

How students take a quiz

Access denied

Author: admin
Last update: 2020-05-13 03:30


Manual Penggunaan Aplikasi Mobile

Untuk menggunakan aplikasi ini, aturan adalah seperti dibawah : 

1) Muat turun aplikasi  

Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.moodle.moodlemobile&hl=en
Apple - https://apps.apple.com/au/app/moodle/id633359593

2) Masukkan site url

Oceania =https://epembelajaran.umt.edu.my/oceania

Wadi = https://epembelajaran.umt.edu.my/wadi

Oasis =https://epembelajaran.umt.edu.my/oasis

UMTMOOC = https://umtmooc.umt.edu.my/lms

3) Tekan "Add"

4) masukkan katanama & katalaluan MyNemo

5) Tekan "Add"

Author: admin
Last update: 2019-09-23 05:28